International students

International students

What is the ESG?

ESG means “Evangelische Studierendengemeinde” (Protestant students’ community). Every University in Germany has an ESG. It is something the Protestant Church offers to all university students. We welcome students of all religious traditions as well as students with no religion. We closely cooperate with our catholic counterpart, the KHG.


The ESG is a good place to meet other students, both Internationals and Germans. We offer a wide range of activities. Some are spiritual, like prayer meetings and church services. Some are just fun and allow you to socialize. Many international students like to participate in ESG events that are not language-based, especially our hiking tours, ice skating, rope court etc.

Worship and prayer

For Internationals we warmly recommend our ecumenical Taizé prayers which we celebrate once or twice every semester. It is a meditative, polyglott form of worship without preaching, with repetitive, simple songs in German, English, French, Latin, Spanish… A short Bible passage is read out in many different languages. Many students love the atmosphere of the candle-lit church at night.

We also offer a church service at the beginning and end of every semester and before Christmas. Even though the services are in German, you are welcome to attend. For an English summary of the sermon just contact Anja, the pastor, a couple of days before.

Financial support for students in need

The ESG is able to arrange for limited, short-time financial support for international students in need.

The program is designed for students from countries of the global south and eastern Europe. It is open to students of any religion and of none.


There may be times when you need somebody to talk to – somebody outside of friends or family. Be it homesickness, fear of examinations, sorrows concerning those at home, conflicts, difficulties with adapting to a foreign environment… Don’t hesitate to contact Anja, the students’ pastor, for counseling. Of course all counseling is confidential and free of charge.

Where to find us

In September 2023 the ESG has moved to a new address in the city center. You now find us in:

Husarengasse 5, 2nd floor.
The house we’re in is part of an ensemble of buildings called Ufersche Höfe.

The entrance to our house is in the courtyard. You can access the courtyard from different starting points:

We’re on Google Maps, too.

Careful: There’s a school in Landau that is also called ESG, the Eduard-Spranger-Gymnasium, so make sure you don’t end up there 😉

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