Events for International Students

Here you can see a list of those of our events that are not language based and therefore most accessible for all who speak little or no German. For most events you need to apply beforehand, please check:

You can find details and an application link here.

Walk the Wasgau

Sat May 4th 2024 | ca. 8:30 am – 5:00 pm | with KHG
A day’s hike through beautiful landscape, great views. Basic fitness required.

Midsummer Night’s Hike

Tu May 21st | 8:00 pm | meeting point: ESG

A short walk to a hill near Landau (1 h there, 1 h back). On site we’ll enjoy beautiful views, a picknick and a little evening prayer. A wonderful way to spend a bright and warm summer night.

Taizé prayer

Mo 3rd Jun 2024 | 8:00 – 9:00 pm | Augustinerkirche | ecumenical

Taizé is an international, ecumenical Christian community in France that thousands of young people visit every year. Their style of prayer and music has thus become very popular all over Europe – in Landau, too!

Our Taizé prayer is a meditative, polyglott form of worship without preaching, marked by meditative Taizé songs in different languages and a time of silence. Many students love the atmosphere of the candle-lit church at night.

Pasta Night

Tue June 18th2024 | ESG

Rope Court Climbing

Fri June 28th 2024 | 2:15 pm-19:00 pm | Fun Forest Kandel

Climb through different rope courts in the tree tops. It’s great fun and really safe. No climbing experience required. Cost: 12 € for entrance and kit, plus train fare (about 5 €). Places limited.

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